Meet Our Staff and Board

Click a staff or board member’s photo to view their bio and contact information


Brian Cucchiara, Land Steward

Board of Directors

Rob Fryer, President

John Fusek

Sarah Hering

David Kelly


Finance Committee

Newell Cotton ♦

Tom Cronin

Rob Fryer

Eads Johnson

Events Committee

Michelle Riley ♦

Cristen Cottrell

Sarah Hering

Lisa Hill ◊

Ali Luddy

Sarah O’Keefe ◊

Beth Sanford 

Toddy Turrentine 

Stewardship Committee

Eads Johnson ♦

Jim Arliss

Susan Bergen

Cristen Cottrell

Tom Jens

Tom Reynolds

Haik Kavookjian 

Development Committee

Beth Sanford ♦

Sarah Hering

Rob Petersen

Tom Reynolds

Governance Committee

Cristen Cottrell ♦

Newell Cotton 

John Fusek

Lisa Hill ◊

Toddy Turrentine

Open Space Committee

John Fusek ♦

Rob Fryer 

Tom Cronin

Chris Schipper ◊

Deborah Burnaman ◊

John Engel ◊

Haik Kavookjian ◊

♦ Denotes a Committee Chair

◊ Denotes Volunteer not on Board of Directors

President is ex-officio voting member of all Committees

Executive Director is ex-officio non-voting member of all Committees