A recently completed Boy Scout Eagle Project by John Peiser added a trail and natural bench on the New Canaan Land Trust’s Hicks Meadows – Henry Kelley Uplands Audubon parcel off Cedar Lane in the Silvermine District. The project includes blazing a three-tenths mile hiking trail loop and a natural bench for members of the New Canaan community to enjoy.
The Hicks Meadows – Henry Kelley Uplands Audubon parcel consists of 40.7 acres and is located near the intersection of Cedar Lane and Braeburn Drive in the Silvermine section of New Canaan. The parcel grew as a series of donations starting in 1952 with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence King donating 21 acres in the memory of Henry Kelley to the Bird Protective Society of New Canaan, the forerunner to the New Canaan Audubon Society. In 1970, Ira and Margaret Hicks donated 12.75 acres to the Land Trust. The parcel grew larger with a 1.5 acre donation by Herbert and Ruth Riedel in 1986 and in 1990 with a donation of 5.5 acres by John Ripley Forbes of the Natural Science for Youth foundation. When the New Canaan Land Trust and the Audubon Society joined together in 2014, the parcel grew to its full 40.7 acre size and is among the largest in the Land Trust. The area was once a farm, but now consists of several ecosystems defined by woodlands, meadows, wetlands and a pond.
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