Moths: Butterflies Unsung Cousins

The Pandorus Sphinx Moth with wing span of 3 ½ inches Did you know there are more than 12,000 species of moths in North America? As the majority of them are active at night, we rarely see them. In contrast, there are about 765 species of North American butterflies....
2022 Summer Stewards: Session 2, Weeks 1-2

2022 Summer Stewards: Session 2, Weeks 1-2

Dear Supporters of the New Canaan Land Trust: The NCLT is proud to share the wonderful happenings of our second internship session. Following the completion of our first summer session, the Land Trust was more than excited to welcome several new members. Andrew,...
Ways to Preserve Nature While Hiking

Ways to Preserve Nature While Hiking

Hiking is a great way to stay fit if you’re not comfortable going to the gym and you want to spend more time outdoors. There are thousands of miles of hiking trails scattered throughout the country and many local communities are creating more trails for people to use....