Bliss Carman (1861-1929) was a Canadian poet who lived most of his life in the United States, where he achieved international fame. He was acclaimed as Canada’s poet laureate during his later years, and died in New Canaan at the age of 68.
Enjoy this poem below, with a thought to beauteous images we have the privilege of enjoying at our very own meadow-grass firefly sanctuary.

The fireflies across the dusk
Are flashing signals through the gloom—
Courageous messengers of light
That dare immensities of doom.
About the seeding meadow-grass,
Like busy watchmen in the street,
They come and go, they turn and pass,
Lighting the way for Beauty’s feet
Or up they float on viewless wings
To twinkle high among the trees,
And rival with soft glimmerings
The shining of the Pleiades.
The stars that wheel above the hill
Are not more wonderful to see,
Nor the great tasks that they fulfil
More needed in eternity.
"Fireflies" is reprinted from April Airs : A Book of New England Lyrics Bliss Carman Boston, Mass: Snall, Maynard and Company, 1916