Today, we are thrilled to announce the opening of our newest GreenLink trail on Oenoke Lane. The new walking trail provides access to six acres of woodlands, protected by the land trust since the 1990s. About one quarter mile in length, the trail creates a convenient cut-through for pedestrians who walk along Oenoke Lane.

While just a stone’s throw from the center of town, the new trail meanders through beautiful woodlands with towering tulip trees, dozens of resident bird species, and a gently flowing brook. The trail also provides pedestrians with a safer alternative to walking on the busy road.

Neighbors to the trail are excited about the new addition. “It’s been a tough year for everyone, and things like this help to make it a bit easier” said Ryan McMahon of St. Johns Place. “This trail is a testament to the great work that our non-profits are doing for the benefit of our community.”

Plans for the trail started earlier this year when Land Trust supporters Larry Berger and Anouk Markovitz made a donation towards the trail in honor of their friend Rachel Walsh. Having enjoyed the walking trails that crisscross European towns, Larry and Anouk wanted to help create similar trails here, in New Canaan.

The Oenoke Lane trail is just one of three GreenLink trails that the Land Trust has created in recent years, continuing the work of the bygone Green Links Organization. The other GreenLinks include the popular trail between Irwin Park and the Nature Center, and another between Fieldcrest Road and Autumn Lane, used daily by students walking to Saxe Middle School or the High School.

“As we build more of these GreenLink trails, we hope to develop a sort of connective tissue within New Canaan” explained Aaron Lefland, Executive Director the New Canaan Land Trust. “Part of our vision is a more walkable New Canaan; one where you can leave your car at home and use the GreenLink trails to reach your destination.”

The Oenoke Lane GreenLink trail begins across the street from 129 Oenoke Lane and emerges across from 67 Oenoke Lane. More information about the trail can be found on the trail’s webpage.