"The Field is My Fortress"

As we enter the heart of Spring and as the days are getting longer, we look forward to the re-emergence of green and verdant life across the landscape. In that spirit I wanted to share this poem, written in 1997 by New Canaan’s own and friend of the Land Trust...

Wake up! It’s springtime!

A candidate for the all-time best flower name is Wake Robin (Trillium erectum).You can discover this woodlands native for yourself just inside the entrance tothe Watson-Symington woodlands of New Canaan Land Trust.It grows along the trail, with Jack-in- the-Pulpit...

Ah! The Aroma of Skunk Cabbage

[This post was originally contributed a few years ago by former NCLT board member Penny Ross. Her delightful description still hold true this spring season.Thank you, Penny!-Mike J.]Daffodils are still weeks away, and snowdrops are only now starting to show in sunny...