Emily Nissley

Emily A. B. Nissley grew up in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin and graduated from Westover School in Middlebury, CT and the University of Wisconsin Madison. She married Robert McKay and moved to New Canaan in 1960 where they had three children. Through the years, Emily has had a variety of interests, including PTA of the New Canaan Country School, The University of Wisconsin Foundation, New Canaan Audubon Society; Board member of Audubon Connecticut; the Mead Witter Foundation; a Council Member of the Chazen Museum of Art; served as choir member and deacon at the First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan; and as governor of Westover School in Middlebury, Connecticut. She is ever so delighted to become a board member of the New Canaan Land Trust, as she is a true a lover of birds and the natural world which is needed for them to survive.